Who we are:
The mission of Journal of Interdisciplinary Debates (JID) is intended to inform the academic community and society through relevant research that transmit the interdisciplinarity of training. The objective of the JID is to stimulate interdisciplinary scientific debate and production in order to inform society and produce new knowledge.
Within interdisciplinary studies, we have emphasized studies in the areas of exact, natural and biological sciences.
Our target audience
The target audience of our journal are post-docs, doctors, masters and graduate and undergraduate students. Thus, authors must have a degree cited or attend a postgraduate course. In addition, the JID will accept participation in co-authorship. Not only the academic public is our target audience, but those who are professionals and interested in studies in the areas of exact, natural and biological sciences.
Our papers
We received papers between 10 to 12 pages, as well as literature reviews and field research
Our Indexers
International Scientific Indexing, Kobo, Diadorim, CrossRef, Advanced Science Index, Editorial, Ulrichsweb & Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Worldcat Registry, Academic Resources, Scientific Journal Impact Factor, Fin Dev Gateway, IPIndexing Portal, Journal Seek, Semantic Scholar, J-Gate, ORCID, Journal TOCs, Academic Journal Databases, Academic Keys, Hamdard University, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, MIAR, SHERPA Romeo, Genamics Journal Seek, Creative Commons, COPE, Google Scholar, Neliti, Research Bible, Israjf, E-library. Ru, Infobase Index, Ohio’s Academic Library Consortium, Open Access Library, I-Scholar, One Search, Infotrieve, Infotree, Scilit, Desy, OAJSE, Bepress, Issuu, OSF, Publons, Scribd, Edwin Incorporation, Cosmos, Digital Directory of Indian Journals, International Innovative Journal, Shahabie Lib Index, Online State Index Science Directory, Shaqal Index, Science Center Index , Magazines Registar, International Journal Registar, LidScience Journal Directory, European Journal Index, Western Library of Journals, Central Journal Index, Digital Journal Index, Journal Level Index, Berufsakademie Sachsen Staatliche Studienanakademie, General Science Index, Youniqvers Index, Multi National Index, German Science Index, Universiteit Leiden Catalogue, Bibliothek